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Magic Bullet in the Stone Age

8 Mar

Here at the Magic Bullet, we like to think we were the first ones to revolutionize your life. Of course, there are a few things more inventive than we are, like Thomas Edison’s light bulb and that round thing called a wheel. Imagine our surprise when recent paleontologists discovered the ancient tradition of making smoothies. Puts Jamba Juice practically out of business (except for their free cheeseburgers and boosts – we’ll pay for anything free).

Check out the NewScientist article about Mick Hastie‘s super-great grandparents. We’ll admit, it’s a little drryyy, so make sure to whip up something in your Magic Bullet beforehand. Read it here, or check the SparkNotes versions below:

Ancestors may have used bone tools to make smoothies

(i.e. Science is cool! Please read me) written by Ewen Callway (a British scientist/headliner who has a Twitter)

  1. Anthropologists think that bones belonging to large mammals may have been used to make fruit smoothies.
  2. They’re not really sure, they’re just guessing, but new scanner technology makes them pretty sure about one thing:
  3. Ancient peeps did use the tools to dig up termites and eat them.
  4. Termites have more protein per grams than steak.
  5. There is a spelling mistake in the article, and if you find it, you rock (or bone)!

We here at Magic Bullet HQ do not recommend sticking termites in your smoothie.
